THAT'S EVERY single TEA PARTY from the Mississippi River to Davidson County ENDORSING Woody Degan!
Not only that, but the STATE PARTIES have also identified our opponent, Mark Norris, as ONE OF THE THREE MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS in the state to be replaced! Click on Links above to view
If you want to learn more about Agenda 21, Rosa Koire's book Behind the Green Mask is required reading!
Rosa, nationally recognized as a leading Agenda 21 expert, walks the reader through the entire program, from inception to the culmination of its presence in our communities! Learn the catch phrases,
the methodologies forthe program's implementation, the Delphi Technique, and the philosophy behind Communitarianism. She exposes them ALL! But be forewarned: It's ALL here. After reading this book, you'll either be totally aware and amazed...or in denial!
The Review Panel is Commission-based and has a vested interest in keeping the state's prices high.
Tennessee IS SELLING YOUR WATER RIGHTS. The proceeds are being deposited in a $56 MILLION DOLLAR PRIVATE BANK ACCOUNT that is OFF THE STATE BOOKS. Yes! It currently has $13 Million in the account! Sen. Mark Norris attempted to legalize that process through SB2211, stripping you of your water rights under Tennessee Law! Woody exposed it, defeated Sen. Norris' AGENDA 21 legislation, and SAVED your water rights...FOR NOW.
WE NEED YOUR VOTE AUG. 2 to stop it for good! More about The STATE SCANDAL
from the TN House Environment & Conservation Committee regarding Senator Mark Norris' SPONSORED Agenda 21 legislation that would have STRIPPED YOU OF YOUR WATER RIGHTS.THE HASLAM /NORRIS TAG TEAM MUST BE STOPPED! WATCH THE VIDEO; DECIDE FOR YOURSELF! VOTE WOODY DEGAN AUGUST 2nd!
Representative Andy Holt repeatedly calls the State's program "EXTORTION!"
Rep. Delores Gresham says "It scares us because it's an administrative bill (from our BIG OIL GOVERNOR), but we need to look at it longer, and "DO WHAT'S RIGHT BY THE CITIZEN'S!
Rep. Mike Kernell states that "I don't think the rapture is coming today, but with the Tea Party, Sierra Club, and Conservationalists on the same side of this issue, it's closer than it was yesterday!.
Rep. Frank Nicely states "We can't get any answers to the questions we're asking."
2012.07.12 Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, (retired) formerly the United States Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, says that Sharia Law is NOW HERE! Read the Article here.
Charity Service
Woody Degan has produced, performed, and donated services to more than 80 live events, fundraisers, and promotional events for local charities ANNUALLY for the past 13 years, donating over $100,000 in services ANNUALLY.
WOODY'S PHILOSOPHY OF GOOD GOVERNMENT INCLUDES: The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, The Tennessee State Constitution, The Holy Bible, and Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA=TN LAW). These are the foundational documents that any representative of the PEOPLE needs to know..and FOLLOW. If it's not in there, let's not try to rewrite history!